Rotary vibrating screen is a powder screening equipment with high accuracy. There are various noise might occur during the operation. The louder the noise will cause the greater damage to rotary vibrating screen, thus it is very important to find out the reasons of noise, analyze the reasons and find out the solutions to solve the problem effectively. The following are the reasons and effective solutions for noise occurs in rotary vibrating screen:
1.In order to fix rotary vibrating screenequipment during the process of transportation, the bolts will be added with the means of transport. However, the bolts that connected to rotary vibrating screen equipment might be left and causing noise during operation.
Solution: remove the bolts
2.The clamp bolts are not tighten.
Solution: check and tighten up the clamp bolts.
1.In order to fix rotary vibrating screenequipment during the process of transportation, the bolts will be added with the means of transport. However, the bolts that connected to rotary vibrating screen equipment might be left and causing noise during operation.
Solution: remove the bolts
2.The clamp bolts are not tighten.
Solution: check and tighten up the clamp bolts.
3.The clamp bolts are not completely jointed.
Solution: open and re-joint the clamp bolts, ensure the clamp bolts are jointed completely.
4.Due to the operation of rotary vibrating screen, the plate that is used for supporting the bouncing ball might be deviated from its place or it might be damaged.
Solution: re-locate the plate to its original place if it is deviated, or replace a new place if it is damaged.